Dear visitors, the Armenian Genocide Museum is closed until January 25, 2013.
Turkish Intellectuals Sign Petition Against Denialist Exhibitionion in Denmark

On November 6, 2012, the temporary exhibition titled “Armenian Genocide and Scandinavian Response” was opened in the Humanitarian Research Library which is a part of the Copenhagen Royal Library. It was organized by the RA Embassy in Denmark and the Royal Library of Denmark in cooperation with the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute. The exhibition got wide response among the Danish society and media having more than 90 publications on it.
The opening of this humanitarian exhibition dedicated to the Scandinavian and Armenian memory aroused stormy rage of Turkish side, especially the Turkish Embassy in Denmark. The Turkish government demanded the Royal Library of Denmark to open “an alternative” exhibition about “So-Called Armenian Genocide”.
And in response to the official statements that the Royal Library of Denmark has agreed “to balance” an Armenian Genocide exhibition by allowing the Turkish government to mount its own “alternative” exhibition, a group of Turkish citizens–including academics, writers, former members of parliament, and mayors–have signed an open letter to the Royal Library, which follows, in full:
President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, who arrived in Armenia at the invitation of RA President Serzh Sargsyan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and laid a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
During the visit the director of AGMI Hayk Demoyan briefly presented the history of the construction of the Armenian Genocide victim’s memorial and museum, the preparations for the centennial of the Armenian Genocide and outlined the motives of Turkish regimes to destroy the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire and beyond its borders as an intended crime of genocide aiming at the creation of Turkish nation state under the slogan “Turkey for Turks.” AGMI director as a gift passed the recent publications of the Armenian Genocide museum to the guest.
Interview with the second winner of the Raphael Lemkin annual scholarship, David Low
David Low is a PhD research student & teaching assistant of Courtauld Institute of Art, History of Art faculty, Somerset House, London. Academic Degrees: MA Hons, University of Glasgow, MA, with Distinction, Courtauld Institute of Art.
David Low is interested in the Armenian Genocide and photographic documents in times of war, specifically: photographic documents of the Armenian Genocide; and photographers in exile during the Second World War. His research outline is "Photographic documents of the Armenian Genocide". He has received several academic awards, including Courtauld Harold Hyam Wingate Scholar, UK Arts & Humanities Research Council award holder and speaks English, German, Spanish and a working knowledge of Armenian.
- Hello David, you have just finished your program of Raphael Lemkin’s annual scholarship announced by AGMI. Will you tell us about your impressions?
Yes, I have recently completed what was a very productive, fascinating and enjoyable time in Armenia. I had visited the country once previously and was glad to have the opportunity to return, especially since this program allowed me an extended stay in the country. In all, including time spend engaged in research in Yerevan and time spent travelling, I was in the country for almost six weeks. This gave me the chance to not only further my own research but to get to know the country better. It was thus a wonderful opportunity for me, both academically and personally.
It took me a little while to get settled in, but after about a week things became easier as I became acclimatised to life in Yerevan. Days spent at the AGMI were largely productive. I would often arrive on foot and visit the memorial first thing in the morning, before then proceeding to the institute. I found the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex to be incredibly striking and moving, and the place alone seemed to provide insight and inspiration.
President of the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay Visited Tsitsernakaberd

On November 17, Jorge Orrico, President of the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, who arrived in Armenia at the invitation of RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
The members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The members of the delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum, where they get acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO.
President of the House of Representatives of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay Jorge Orrico left a note in the Commemoration Book.
President of the House of Representatives had a tour of the Memorial Alley where he planted a fir.
It should be noted that Uruguay was the first country which recognized the Armenian Genocide on May 27, 1965.
A Concert Dedicated to Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims Held in Beirut

On November 9, a concert of the Lebanon’s philharmonic orchestra conducted by Harout Fazlian with participation of pianist Vardan Mamikonian was held at St. Joseph church in Beirut, Lebanon. The concert was held within the framework of the “100 Concerts in the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims”.
State officials, heads of political parties, accredited ambassadors in Lebanon, public figures, representatives of the Armenian Community and media, as well as the chairman of “Pyunik” Foundation Gabriel Jambarjyan and the leader of the Armenian Diocese Archbishop Gegham Khacheryan were present at the concert where were performed the compositions of Aram Khachaturian, Alexander Harutyunyan, Ghazaros Saryan and Ferenc Liszt.
Armenian Ambassador to Lebanon Ashot Kocharyan delivered an opening speech. He stressed the importance of the organization of the 21st concert in Lebanon within the framework of the 100 concerts as well as expressed his gratitude to the sponsors, especially to Minister of Culture in Lebanon, philharmonic orchestra and to the “Pyunik” Foundation.
The second winner of the Raphael Lemkin annual scholarship announced

The second winner of the Raphael Lemkin annual scholarship announced by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute is David Low, a PhD research student & teaching assistant of Courtauld Institute of Art, History of Art faculty, Somerset House, London. Academic Degrees: MA Hons, University of Glasgow, MA, with Distinction, Courtauld Institute of Art.
David Low is interested in the Armenian Genocide and photographic documents in times of war, specifically: photographic documents of the Armenian Genocide; and photographers in exile during the Second World War. His research outline is “Photographic documents of the Armenian Genocide”. He has received several academic awards, including Courtauld Harold Hyam Wingate Scholar, UK Arts & Humanities Research Council award holder and speaks English, German, Spanish and a working knowledge of Armenian.
It should be remembered that from September 2010 up to now, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute of NAS RA announced its new scholarship program for foreign students and PhD candidates. Raphael Lemkin scholarship is intended to enable foreign students, who specialize in genocide studies, especially in the Armenian Genocide, to visit Armenia for a month to conduct research in local scientific institutions and libraries.
Education Ministers and Officers of CIS Member States Visited Tsitsernakaberd

Education ministers and officers of CIS member states visited TTsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. The members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The members of the delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum and got acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. Afterwards the guests from different countries left notes in the Commemoration Book.
It should be noted that the 19th conference of the education ministers of the CIS member states and the 2nd congress of the CIS teachers and education workers will take place in Yerevan on October 18-19, and about 500 delegates will attend these events.
The Defense Minister of the Republic of Italy Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims

On October 16, 2012, the delegation headed by the Defense Minister of the Republic of Italy Giampaolo Di Paola arrived in Armenia on a three day official visit and today visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
The members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The members of the delegation led by DM Minister Giampaolo Di Paola also visited Armenian Genocide Museum and got acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO.
The Defense Minister of the Republic of Italy left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The Representatives of the AGBU’s 87th General Assembly Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

The representatives of the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU) 87th general assembly, which will hold on October 20, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
AGBU President Perch Sedrakian laid a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
AGBU members arrived in Armenia from different countries also visited Armenian Genocide Museum and got acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. The delegates left notes in the Commemoration Book.
Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

On October 17, Sergey Stepashin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, accompanied by Chairman of the Armenian Control Chamber Ishkhan Zakharyan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of RF and the members of his accompanying delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The delegates arrived from the Russian Federation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum, where the director of AGMI Hayk Demoyan presented the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO after which Sergey Stepashin left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The delegates from the Russian Federation had a tour of the Memorial Alley where Sergey Stepashin watered a fir which had been planted during his previous visit.
The Official Delegations From Different Countries Visited Tsitsernakaberd

On October 14, 25 delegations from 14 countries, which have arrived in Yerevan to take part in the celebrations dedicated to the day of “Erebuni-Yerevan - 2794”, accompanied by Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Vano Vardanyan visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
The members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The members of the delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum, where they get acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. The guests arrived from different countries left notes in the Commemoration Book.
The Rescuer of 5000 Orphans
Sara Corning-140

Sara Corning was born in Cheggogin City, in 1872, eight kilometers north of Yarmouth (south-eastern Canada). She joined the American Red Cross during the First World War (1914-1918) and left for the Ottoman Empire as a volunteer to assist the Armenian refugees and orphans rescued from the Turkish massacres. In those days the Canadian media (Toronto World, The Halifax Herald, La Presse and etc.) largely covered the Armenian massacres to make the public aware of the problem. In 1922 Sara signed up for the Near East Relief and left for Smyrna.
In September 1922, the Kemalists invaded Smyrna, which was mainly populated by refugees. At that time, besides the local Armenians, thousands of Armenian refugees the large part of whom was orphans were in city. On September 13, the Kemalists set fire on “Gavur Izmir”, as a result of which, 100.000-150.000 Christian inhabitants were killed. Great panic was raised in the city: the Christians escaping from the fire were seeking shelter in the European and American consulates. The international humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross, the Near East Relief and etc., organized their evacuation to the sea.
Being in the very centre of the events, Sara Corning made superhuman efforts to gather over 5000 mostly female Armenians under 12, and Greek children in Smyrna. They were moved to Greece by American warships. Here she established an orphanage upbringing these pupils and educating them as true Christians.
Logo Competition

The State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide announces a competition of a logo dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
The drafts, which will be offered within the competition, must be met the following demands:
• express the mission and activity of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
• have simple solutions and precise slogan
The drafts must be presented in A4 size and in sketch form, also on the pasteboard both monochrome and colored versions, as well as in electronic form.
The best drafts will be awarded with general award for 500. 000 AMD and two are encouraging for 250.000 AMD.
The applications must be submitted until December 1, 2012, RA, Yerevan 0028, Memorial Complex of Tsitsernakaberd, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.
For more information call 390981.
The secretariat of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
The Vice President of the FRG Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

On September 30, Wolfgang Thierse, the Vice President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany, accompanied by NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
The Vice President of the Bundestag and the members of his delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The delegates arrived from Germany also visited Armenian Genocide Museum, where the director of AGMI Hayk Demoyan presented the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO.
The Vice President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Thierse left following note in the Commemoration Book: “We condemn the Genocide and are under an obligation to secure peace and defend human rights”.
Wolfgang Thierse noted during the talk with journalists: “The German people remember the crimes committed against different nations in the 20th century. In 2005 the Bundestag of Germany by its decision has condemned the Armenian people’s massacres and expressed its stance in relation to those historical events. We believe that such historical events should be worth an assessment and be condemned.”
The Solo Concert of Evgeny Kissin in Yerevan
The solo concert of Evgeny Kissin in Yerevan was from the series “100 Concerts in the Memory of Armenian Genocide victims”, which was organized within the framework of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
On September 27, the Russian pianist Evgeny Kissin, who is one of the renowned musicians of our time, gave a concert at Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall.
After the concert world-known pianist visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
It should be informed that the solo concert of Evgeny Kissin in Yerevan was organized within the framework of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and sponsored by the chairman of “Pyunik” Foundation and benefactor Gabriel Jambarjyan.
The Religious Leader of the Yezidis Mir Mira Tahsin beg Visited Tsitsernakaberd

Mir Mira Tahsin beg, religious leader of the Yezidis of the Federal Republic of Iraq, and his accompanying delegation visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Yezidi deputies of the Kurdish and Iraqi parliaments as well as representatives of primacy were included in the delegation. The leaders of the delegation put wreaths at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The aim of the delegation’s arrival is the consecration of the first Yezidis sanctuary in the Republic of Armenia.
The Armenian chapel in Markate region of Syria will be reconstructed on the initiative of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute

Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, stated in his interview to “Azdak” daily published in Beirut that in these days when the Armenian community in Syria live in hard times, every Armenian and organization should assist Syrian Armenians as much as possible without leaving that support on the level of empty declarations.
Taking into account the situation, the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute expressed its willingness to support the reconstruction of Sourb Harutyun Chapel in Markate region, which suffered some damages during the latest events of Syria.
“We consider this step important at several points. First of all this sanctuary is situated on the territory of last shelter of thousands of Armenians who fell victim to the Genocide.
The staff of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute expressed wish to participate in the general appeal of supporting Syrian Armenians and learning about the damage caused to the chapel, they decided to come up with such an initiative. I think each of us ought to be a participant in this important appeal to help each other about which Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia pointed out in his speech, delivered on the occasion of the Independence Day of Armenia”, stressed the director of AGMI Hayk Demoyan.
The State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide held its second session

On September 20, 2012, the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide held its second session in the new building of Matenadaran. The session was conducted by the chairman of the commission President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.
Before the discussion of the questions included in the agenda, President informed that after the first session the secretariat of the State Commission has taken some steps to set up regional commissions in different countries.
The participants of the meeting spoke about the existing and potential candidates of the Expert group attached to the State Commission. The proposals to expand the number of experts was submitted and adopted. According to the decision of the chairman of the State Commission the Homenetmen, AGBU Armenian Youth and Homenmen representatives were included into the Commission taking into account the importance of involvement of the Armenian youth into the events dedicated to 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The chairman of “Pyunik” Foundation and benefactor Gabriel Jambarjyan also became a member of the Commission.
U.S. Secretary of State sends a letter of appreciation for memorial events dedicated to Clara Barton
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States, sent a letter of appreciation to John Heffern, the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, for the Clara Barton Golden Medal issued by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute within the framework of the memorial events dedicated to Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross and a great humanist.
On May 23, 2012, commemorative events dedicated to Clara Barton took place at the Armenian Genocide Museum as a joint initiative of the AGMI and the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Armenia.
During the memorial event, Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, handed Clara Barton medals to John Heffern, the U.S. Ambassador, and Kevin Patti, American historian representing Clara Barton National Historic Site and U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Armenia. Clara Barton Golden medals were also sent to Barack Obama, President of the United States, and Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, through the U.S. Embassy in Armenia as a token of Armenian-American friendship.
The Temporary Exhibition Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Smyrna Disaster opened in the Armenian Genocide Museum

Today, at 12 p.m., the temporary exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Smyrna disaster opened in the Armenian Genocide Museum.
The director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute Hayk Demoyan gave an opening remark, where he noted: “The fire of Smyrna announced the birth of a new state, which appeared on the World map as a result of Young Turks’ genocidal policy. Thus, Smyrna Disaster became the last episode of the Armenian Genocide and the starting point of the Kemalists' "Turkey for Turks" state-building policy”.
Vasiliki Dikopulu, acting Ambassador of Greece to the Republic of Armenia, gave her gratitude remark during the opening ceremony.
Documents, photos, postcards concerning the life of the Armenians of Smyrna as well as unique photos, papers from the AGMI collection which present the fire of Smyrna, one of the major sea ports of Asia Minor and Kemalist massacres of tens of thousands of Armenians and Greeks in September, 1922, are included in this exhibition.
A temporary exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Smyrna disaster

On September 14, 2012, at 12: 00 p.m., a temporary exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Smyrna disaster will be opened in the Armenian Genocide Museum.
Documents, photos, postcards concerning the life of the Armenians of Smyrna as well as unique photos, papers from the AGMI collection which present the fire of Smyrna, one of the major sea ports of Asia Minor and Kemalist massacres of tens of thousands of Armenians and Greeks in September, 1922, are included in this exhibition.
After the opening of the exhibition, an academic session dedicated to this event will take place in the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute's Komitas hall. The director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute Hayk Demoyan, Verjine Svazlyan, researchers of AGMI Tehmine Martoyan and Gevorg Vardanyan will present their papers.
"Knock on the Door" by the Armenian-American writer Margarit Ajemyan-Ahnert now also in Russian

The Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute has reprinted the Russian translation of the Armenian-American writer Margarit Ajemyan-Ahnert’s book “The knock at the door”.
The book contains the memories of the author's mother Ester Minerjyan, who was born in Amasia in 1900, (Sebastia province, Western Armenia). She represents the 1915 disaster and its endless consequences. The book was published in English in 2007, in USA and brought “Humanitarian Award” to the author. In 2008, the writer of the book was also the winner of the New York Book Fair in the nomination of “The best historical memoirs”.
The memoirs of the witness of the Armenian genocide was translated in Armenian and published in Yerevan by the support of the Fund for Armenian Relief.
Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims

The delegation headed by Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg laid a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Avet Adonts, the head of the representation of the Republic of Armenia to the European Union, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Belgium and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute accompanied Asselborn.
Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg and his accompanying delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum where they get acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO.
Deputy Prime Minister left following note in the Commemoration Book ''The anguish caused to the Armenian people must never be forgotten. The memory of the innocent victims should be kept alive and be passed it from generation to generation''.
Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg arrived in Armenia at the invitation of the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Armenia Edward Nalbandian.
AGMI researchers at Zoryan Institute
AGMI researchers Asya Darbinyan and Anna Aleksanyan participated in “Genocide and Human Rights University Program” organized by Zoryan Institute, Toronto, Canada.
“Genocide and Human Rights University Program” (GHRUP) organized by Zoryan Institute ran from August 6 to 17 in Toronto, Canada. It was a two-week seminar during which prominent scholars and participants from different countries presented and discussed various topics on human rights, theories of genocide, Armenian Genocide, Holocaust, genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur, genocide denial, psychological impact of genocide, as well as issues concerning genocide and international law, genocide prevention, etc.
This year Anna Aleksanyan and Asya Darbinyan, two researchers from Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, also took part in this program. Aleksanyan is a research fellow at AGMI of NAS of RA and the topic of her dissertation is “Experiences of Armenian Women from the Years of Genocide.”
Darbinyan is a PhD student at the same institute and the topic of her dissertation is “Relief Efforts of Near East Relief Organization for Armenian Orphans during and after the Armenian Genocide.”
On the last day of the program the participants made presentations. Aleksanyan reported on life of Aurora Mardiganian, genocide survivor, and on “Auction of Souls”, the first movie about the Armenian Genocide in which was starring Mardiganian.
Darbinyan’s presentation was about the significance of humanitarian assistance and about the humanitarian aid provided by the Near East Relief organization for Armenian orphans.
The Foreign Affairs Minister of Argentina Héctor Marcos Timerman Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Innocent Victims

On September 4, the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Argentina Héctor Marcos Timerman visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
The Foreign Affairs Minister of Argentina put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of RA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Argentina to Armenia Diego Ernesto Alvarez Rivera and other delegate members accompanied Timerman.
The Foreign Affairs Minister of Argentina and his accompanying delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum where they get acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. Afterwards Héctor Marcos Timerman left a note in the Commemoration Book.
It should be noted that still in 2006 Argentina passed a bill recognizing the fact of the Armenian Genocide.
Héctor Marcos Timerman arrived in Armenia at the invitation of the Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Armenia Edward Nalbandian.
Berlin Remembers Soghomon Tehleryan
In this autumn the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany is going to celebrate its 775th anniversary.
On the occasion of this anniversary many events and also an open exhibition will be organized in different parts of the city. An exhibition entitled “City of Diversity” is presented in the center of the city close to “Island of Museums”. This exhibition is dedicated to the ethnic diversity of the City of Berlin, historical and cultural traces of different nationalities and also memorable events which are presented in separate exhibition boards.
Among other events, the symbolic 1:775 scale plan of the city contains a separate nameplate. It tells the visitors about the Armenian Genocide and Soghomon Tehleryan’s motivations to kill the Interior Minister of the Ottoman Empire, Talaat Pasha, and about Tehleryan’s judgment of acquittal by the German court. The nameplate is situated in the historical Hardenbergstrasse in the plan of the city.
All the materials for this nameplate have been provided by the Armenia's Information and Documentation Center in Germany.
Memorandum of Cooperation Signed between the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and Lidice Memorial

Hayk Demoyan, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, visited the Czech capital, Prague, August 28-31. On August 29th Hayk Demoyan had a meeting with the representatives of the Czech Republic’s Armenian Community in the Armenian Embassy in Prague to present the program of the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide.
On August 31, Hayk Demoyan and Milouš Červencl, director of Lidice Memorial, signed a memorandum of cooperation between the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and the Lidice Memorial in the Lidice settlement, Prague suburb. The document intends an exchange of exhibitions, exhibit items and publications, presentation of the historical and archive materials and an exchange of experts. Before the signing ceremony exact cooperation projects were discussed.
The Armenian Ambassador to Czech Republic Tigran Seyranyan, workers of the Embassy and the memorial complex, representatives of the Armenian Community and also members of the mass media attended the ceremony. Simon Krbec, head of the Center for Archeology of Evil and organizer of the scientific conference held in Czech capital in the frames of “Nine Gates” festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and heroic battle of “Musa Dagh” was also present at the meeting.
The participants of the meeting laid flowers at the monument in memory of the 82 children who were killed in Lidice, and got acquainted with the exhibition items displayed in the Memorial’s gallery and museum.
The Minister of Information and Diaspora of Israel visited Armenian Genocide Museum

The Minister of Information and Diaspora of Israel Yuli Edelstein visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
The Minister put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The Minister of Information and Diaspora of Israel Yuli Edelstein and his accompanying delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum where the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum - Institute Hayk Demoyan introduced the guests to the temporary exhibition titled "Book as a witness of the Genocide" dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. Afterwards Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation left a note in the Commemoration Book.
It should be informed that Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and Jerusalem Holocaust Museum intend to establish cooperation.
“I offered the Genocide Museum-Institute administration to cooperate with Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. Both our nations have become victims of a horrible crime against humanity. I think the two institutions will cooperate quite effectively in terms of selection of exhibits and organization of pavilions,” Yuli Edelstein told during the press conference.
He further noted that cooperation program between Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum is being developed.
Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Visited Tsitsernakaberd

Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin arrived in Armenia at the invitation of President of the National Assembly of RA Hovik Abrahamyan for a two-day official visit. Sergey Naryshkin and his accompanying delegation accompanied by Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The high-ranking official and his accompanying delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum where they get acquainted with the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. Afterwards Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The delegates from the Russian Federation had a tour of the Memorial Alley where Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin planted a fir.
Genocide Survivor Yelena Abrahamyan Passed Away

On July 13, Genocide survivor Yelena Abrahamyan died at the age of 100. Artist Yelena Abrahamyan was born in Kars on 26 November, 1912. She was a member of Armenia’s Artists’ Union and an honored teacher of the Republic of Armenia. The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute offers its condolences for the death of Yelena Abrahamyan, one of the witnesses and survivors of the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, the Armenian Genocide.
Before her death Yelena Abrahamyan lived alone, without any complaints, with her numerous canvases and memories. “I thought I would not faint from a woman’s cries of horror and pain, but when everyone started screaming, I lost consciousness,” Yelena Abrahamyan said during one of her interviews.
Having had a narrow escape from the Turkish massacres, Yelena Abrahamyan escaped to Gyumri together with her only surviving relative, her aunt, after which she settled in Yerevan.
The best memoirs of the artist and teacher who had survived the Genocide were connected with her grandfather, Archpriest Khoren Stamboltsyan, the spiritual shepherd of the church of Kars. He was one of the educated clergymen of his times and was endowed not only with a literary, but also a painting gift. He participated in the expedition of Ani together with Nicholas Marr and collected the patterns of ornaments and the graphic presentations of the murals preserved in the ruins. After his death Yelena Abrahamyan published her grandfather’s literary legacy which is contained in a book entitled “My Grandfather’s Memoirs.”
The photo and information from news agency
Chairwoman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko Visited Armenian Genocide Museum

Chairwoman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Valentina Matviyenko accompanied by Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hermineh Naghdalyan visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Chairwoman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The high-ranking official and her accompanying delegation arrived from Russia visited Armenian Genocide Museum where the director of the AGMI Hayk Demoyan introduced the guests to the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. Afterwards Chairwoman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Valentina Matviyenko left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The delegates from the Russian Federation had a tour of the Memorial Alley where Mrs. Matviyenko watered the fir which she had planted during her previous visit.
President of the European Council Visited Tsitsernakaberd

President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy, within the framework of his official visit to South Caucasus arrived to the Republic of Armenia and accompanied by the Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
President of the European Council put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Afterwards President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy and delegation accompanying him visited Armenian Genocide Museum where the director of the AGMI Hayk Demoyan introduced the guests to the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a witness of the Genocide” dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO.
President of the Republic of Austria Heinz Fischer Visited Armenian Genocide Museum

President of the Republic of Austria Heinz Fischer, within the framework of his official visit to Armenia, and first lady Margit Fischer visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex accompanied by Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian, Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan and RA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Austria Arman Kirakosyan. President of Austria laid a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims after which the members of the Austrian delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
President of Austria Heinz Fischer and his accompanying delegation visited Armenian Genocide Museum where the director of AGMI Hayk Demoyan introduced the guests to the museum exhibition. Afterwards President of the Republic of Austria Heinz Fischer left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The delegation from Austria also had a tour of the Memorial Alley, where President of the Republic of Austria Heinz Fischer planted a fir.
Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania Visited Tsitsernakaberd

Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania Mrs. Rasa Juknevičienė and her accompanying delegation visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Lithuanian delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The Lithuanian delegation headed by Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania also visited Armenian Genocide Museum and took a tour of the museum where Mrs. Rasa Juknevičienė left a note in the Commemoration Book.
It should be noted that on December 15, 2005, the Seim (parliament) of Lithuania passed a resolution condemning the 1915Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
Procurator- General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China Cao Jianming Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial

Procurator - General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China Cao Jianming who is in Yerevan at the invitation of RA Prosecutor General Aghvan Hovsepyan visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. Procurator - General of China put a wreath at the Memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Chinese delegation put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The Chinese delegation also visited Armenian Genocide Museum and took a guided tour of the museum. Cao Jianming left a note in the Commemoration Book.
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, within the framework of his official visit to Armenia, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and Armenian Genocide Museum accompanied by John Heffern, the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia.
The U.S. senator put flowers at the Eternal Fire of the Armenian Genocide victims after which he visited the Armenian Genocide Museum, where he got acquainted with the temporary exhibition dedicated to the memory of Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross and a great humanitarian.
The U.S. Senator Dick Durbin left a note in the Commemoration Book.
Senator Durbin talked about his visit to the Genocide memorial and
Clara Barton exhibition he visitited during a Senate floor speech.
The Awardees of the Presidential Award Visited Armenian Genocide Museum

The winners of the Armenian President’s Award Dr. Harutyun Marutyan, ethnographer, Leading Research Fellow at the Department of Contemporary Anthropological Studies at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of RA, Doctor of Historical Sciences and Ragıp Zarakolu, Turk writer, publicist visited Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute and met with the staff of the AGMI.
Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute, awarded Ragip Zarakolu with Fridtjof Nansen gold medal which has been issued in the nomination of “Gratitude”.
It should be reminded that on May 29, 2012 ethnographer Harutyun Marutyan received the Presidential Award for his researches in the sphere of Armenian Genocide and Karabakh movement with using new scientific methodology and developments and Turk writer, publicist Ragip Zarakolu also received Presidential Award for informing Turkish society about the truth on the Armenian Genocide, indefatigable and principle struggle for respecting Human Rights and his translations and publications on this theme.
AGMI has published the Russian Translation of Hampartzoum Chitjian’s Memoirs

The Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute has published Hampartzoum Chitjian’s memoirs “A Hair’s Breadth from Death” in Russian translation. These unique memoirs of an Armenian Genocide survivor present the odyssey, the suffering and the struggle of Hampartzoum Chitijian who lived in Berri Village, Kharberd.
Hampartzoum Chitjian’s memoirs contain valuable evidence of the massacres of the Armenian population in Kharberd Province. There is also important information about the daily life, rituals and traditions of Western Armenians in the book. Surviving from disaster of the Armenian Genocide, fourteen-year-old Hampartzoum wandered from village to village, every second fearing lest he might be caught and tortured to death, many times being within a hair’s breadth from death.
In 1921, joining a Kurdish caravan, Hampartzoum Chitjian reached Persia, and then to America. At first Chitjian settled in Mexico and then moved to the United States of America.
The Western Armenian and English versions of the memoirs were published in Taderon Press in 2004. The translation and publication of the Russian edition of the book has been sponsored by “Hampartzoum Chitjian” fundation.
Ceremonial Events in the Memory of Clara Barton, the Founder of the American Red Cross and a Great Humanitarian, took place in the Armenian Genocide Museum

Today ceremonial events dedicated to the memory of Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross and a great humanitarian, took place in the Armenian Genocide Museum on the initiative of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and with the support of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Armenia. Hayk Demoyan, the Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, John Heffern, the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of RA and Kevin Patti, American historian representing Clara Barton National Historic Site had their opening remarks during the event.
The presentation of the English and Armenian editions of Clara Barton’s “American Relief Expedition to Asia Minor under the Red Cross” report (1896) also took place. The translation and publication of the Armenian edition of the report was made possible through the support of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia.
The AGMI Scientific Council decided to issue a Clara Barton Golden Medal under the “Gratitude” nomination as well as a memorial postcard. The director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan handed golden medals to John Heffern, the U.S.
Ambassador to Armenia, Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of RA, Kevin Patti, expert in Barton and US Embassy in Armenia, as well as by means of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia golden medals will be handed to Barack Obama, U.S. President, Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State as a token of Armenian-American friendship.
Commemorative Events Dedicated to Clara Barton, the Founder of the American Red Cross and a Great Humanitarian

At 11:00 a.m., on May 23, 2012, on the initiative of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and with the support of the U.S. Embassy in the Republic of Armenia commemorative events dedicated to Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross and a great humanitarian will take place at the Armenian Genocide Museum. Hayk Demoyan, the Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, John Heffern, the U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, Ashot Hovakimian, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of RA and Kevin Patti, American historian representing Clara Barton National Historic Site will make remarks during the event.
The commemoration event includes the presentation of the English and Armenian editions of Clara Barton’s “American Relief Expedition to Asia Minor under the Red Cross” report. The translation and publication of the Armenian edition of the report was made possible through the support of the U.S. Embassy in Armenia.
The AGMI Scientific Council decided to issue a Clara Barton Golden Medal under the “Gratitude” nomination to award individuals and organizations for their humanitarian support and for strengthening Armenian-American friendship.
The AGMI will also house a temporary exhibition in honor of Clara Barton.
Guests will receive memorial postcards issued on the occasion of Clara Barton’s 190th anniversary.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay Luis Almagro Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay Luis Almagro, within the framework of his official visit to Yerevan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Uruguayan delegation headed by Luis Almagro put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay Luis Almagro, accompanied by Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan, visited Armenian Genocide Museum and took a tour of the museum. Afterwards Luis Almagro left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The members of the Uruguayan delegation also had a tour of the Memorial Alley, where Luis Almagro planted a fir.
It should be noted that in 1965 Uruguay became the first country in the world to recognize the fact of the Armenian Genocide and declared April 24 as a "Day of Remembrance for the Armenian Martyrs".
Opening of a Temporary Exhibition in Stockholm, Sweden

The Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden in cooperation with the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Yerevan, Armenia, arranged a temporary exhibition entitled the "Armenian Genocide and the Scandinavian Response". The exhibition took place during April 23-27, 2012 in the Catholic Cathedral, situated in Central Stockholm. The exhibition was originally inaugurated during April 2011 by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan as part of the celebration of 150th anniversary of Fridtjof Nansen, the world known Norwegian explorer and human rights activist. In 2011 foreign ministers of Sweden and Norway visited the exhibition during their official visits to the Republic of Armenia. Numerous tourists from the Scandinavian states had a chance to visit the exhibition during 2011.
The exhibition in Stockholm consisted of the original eleven panels as well as six new additions, displaying the work of Scandinavian diplomats, politicians and missionary workers during and after the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1922. The additional panels also contained 12 selected diplomatic reports from the Swedish embassy in Constantinople about the "annihilation of the Armenian nation".
Opening of a Temporary Exhibition in Beirut, Lebanon

On April 28, a temporary exhibition “The Armenian Genocide: Frontpage Coverage in the Foreign Media” was opened in the hall of the Capuchins’ church in Beirut.
The opening of the exhibition has been organized with the joint efforts of the Central Body of Lebanon for the commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, and with the support of Beirut Municipality.
“Armash” choir of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, headed by Archimandrite Torgom Tonoyan, and “Krunk” choir (choirmaster: Doctor Edward Torikian) participated in the opening of the exhibition.
The spiritual and secular leaders of the Lebanese Armenian community, the representatives of its various community bodies and other invitees were present at the opening of the temporary exhibition “Armenian Genocide: Frontpage Coverage in the Foreign Media.”
The exhibition includes about 70 Russian, American, Italian, French and British periodicals of 1860 to 1922, the front pages of which have reference to the Armenian massacres and its consequences.
Aharon Shkhrtmyan had a speech in Armenian and Arabic on behalf of the Lebanese Central Body of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
A Monument Dedicated to the Innocent Victims of the Assyrian Genocide was Inaugurated in Yerevan

A monument dedicated to the innocent victims of the Assyrian Genocide in 1915 was unveiled in the center of Yerevan. Iskhak Tamraz, the priest of the Assyrian Eastern Church, gave a requiem in Aramaic, during the opening ceremony of the monument.
Arsen Mikhaylov, President of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA), said that this monument again proves that the pain of the Genocide has not been forgotten by the Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks. “We should demand that Turkey recognize the Armenian Genocide and make up for the losses to other nations”.
Arsen Mikhaylov stressed the great assistance of the authorities of the Republic of Armenia, on behalf of President Serzh Sargsyan, in the erection of the monument.
The architect of the monument is Hanibal Alkhaz, the sculptor is Ruben Nalbandyan. Assyrian guests from different countries were present at the opening ceremony. The Assyrian delegation also visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and Armenian Genocide Museum.
Christian Assyrians and Greeks, who were under the Ottoman Empire, were massacred by the Young Turks during World War I.
A special issue of “Azdak” daily was released

The collection of articles of the special issue of “Azdak” daily, which has been prepared by joint efforts of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute and “Azdak” daily, dedicated to the 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was published.
The articles of AGMI researchers are included in this issue: Suren Manukyan (PhD), “The Armenian Genocide by the eyes of the Russian soldiers”, Aram Mirzoyan, (PhD), “The activity of Fridtjof Nansen in the direction of the repatriation of the Armenian refugees to the Soviet Armenia”, Tehmine Martoyan (PhD), “The mass resettlement of Smyrna refugees to Greece”, Narine Margaryan (PhD), “ The integration of the Armenian refugees in the social-economic life of Syria after the Armenian Genocide (1915-1925), Gevorg Vardanyan (PhD) “Attempts of Armenian-Greek corporation against Ottoman power”, PhD student of AGMI Hasmik Grigoryan “ The cultural models as impulses for the organization of mass behavior in the context of the Armenian Genocide”.
President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan Visited Armenian Genocide Museum

President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, His Holiness Garegin II, Catholicos of All Armenians and Government officials, accompanied by Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan, visited the temporary exhibition in the Armenian Genocide Museum titled “Book as a Witness of the Genocide”, which was organized on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and the proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO.
The Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan, Adviser to RA President Serzh Sargsyan Felix Pirumyan and architect Sashur Qalashyan presented the architectural project of the new building of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute which will be built from 2012 to 2015 and the schedule of the architectural works.
During 2012-2015 it is planed to double the display space of the Armenian Genocide Museum, to renovate the old building and Memorial of Tsitsernakaberd.
Armenian Book Printing in the Ottoman Empire

The Armenians were one of the firsts to make use of Gutenberg’s invention. Since 1512 they have established printing houses and published books in different corners of the world, where there were Armenian colonies. The Ottoman Empire was not an exception and in 1567 the first Armenian book was published in its capital, Constantinople. In time Constantinople became one of the main centers of the Armenian book printing and preserved its role till the beginning of the 20th century.
After a short typographic activity of Abgar Tokatetsi (1568 - 1569) and Yeremia Kyomurjian (1677-1678) in Constantinople, in the 17th century Sargis Evdokatsi’s, Grigor Marzvantsi’s and Astvatsatur Konstandnupolsetsi’s publishing houses were established, which ran constantly and had fruitful typographic activity for a long time. Among the famous Western Armenian publishers were also Pogos Arapian, Sargis Dpir, Chnchin Hovhannes and others. Till 1800 almost 350 Armenian books had been published only in Constantinople.
Next to the early religious and moral publications, historical, fiction, educational, scientific and other literature was published in Old and Modern Armenian, including translated and author’s literature.
Remembrance and Memorial Ceremonies at Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

Today is the Remembrance Day of the Armenian Genocide victims. Every year on April 24 hundreds of thousands of Armenians from Armenia, Diaspora as well as numerous foreign citizens visit Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, laying flowers at the eternal fire and paying tribute to the memory of the innocent victims.
President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, His Holiness Garegin II Catholicos of All Armenians, Members of Parliament and Government of the Republic of Armenia today visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. They honored the memory of innocent victims with a minute of silence, after which His Holiness Garegin II Catholicos of All Armenians prayed for the repose of the victims’ souls.
The temporary exhibition “Book as a Witness of the Genocide” was opened at the Armenian Genocide Museum

Today the opening of the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a Witness of the Genocide” has taken place in the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute. The exhibition is organized on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and the proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. The exhibition includes about 300 first editions on the subject of the Armenian Genocide, which are either printed early or are primary sources.
Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute, expressed gratitude to Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia, Jevan Cheloyants (Moscow), Ralph Yirikian, VivaCell-MTS General Manager,Tigran Kalayjyan (Cyprus) and “Pyunik” All Armenian Relief Fund, Matthias Bjørnlund (Denmark), Laura Daun (Sweden), Suren Bayramyan (Egypt), Rouben Galichian and others in his opening speech, because due to their support and donations a large number of valuable and rare books have been acquired during last five years and are presented in the exhibition.
Press Conference at AGMI

The press conference of the directorate of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute has taken place at Komitas hall of the institute, where the main results and directions of AGMI’s activity during last year were presented. Geoffrey Robertson, whose report, entitled “Was there an Armenian Genocide?” and dedicated to the historical facts and political speculations referring to the Armenian Genocide, was published in 2010, was present at the press conference, together with Jussi Biørn, the grandchild of Norwegian missionary Bodil Catharine Biørn, who reported on Bodil Biørn’s recently discovered handwritten memoirs describing the 1915 Mush massacres.
The main achievements of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute from 2006 to 2011 and overall strategy of the events which will be organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide were presented during the press conference.
At the end of the press conference the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute Hayk Demoyan awarded Geoffrey Robertson and Jussi Biørn with Fridtjof Nansen gold medal for the support to AGMI and their input in research on the topic of the Armenian Genocide.
A temporary exhibition "Book as a witness of the Genocide" will be opened at the Armenian Genocide Museum

On April 23, at 12:00 the temporary exhibition titled “Book as a Witness of the Genocide” will be opened in the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute. The exhibition is organized on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Armenian printing and the proclamation of Yerevan as 2012 World Book Capital City by UNESCO. The exhibition includes about 300 first editions on the subject of the Armenian Genocide, which are either printed early or are primary sources.
The books represented in the exhibition are grouped under different headings. Traveling notes, text-books and publications referring to the social, cultural and business life of the Western Armenians are exhibited in different tables. Separate tables present publications of the pro-Armenian movements that followed the Hamidian and Adana massacres, unique publications printed in Germany, U.S.A, Great Britain, Sweden, France, Russia and other countries, which represent undeniable evidence of the crimes committed by the Turkish political regimes against humanity and civilization. The greater part of the exhibited books was published during the genocide perpetrated against the Armenians by the Ottoman government and is the solid evidence against Turkish denial.
The rare and valuable books, which are presented in the exhibition, were acquired with the support of Serzh Sargsyan, the President of the Republic of Armenia, Jevan Cheloyants (Moscow), Ralph Yirikian, VivaCell-MTS General Manager, Tigran Kalayjyan (Cyprus) and “Pyunik” All Armenian Relief Fund. The collection of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute's library has been enriched due to the contribution of Matthias Bjørnlund (Denmark), Laura Daun (Sweden), Suren Bayramyan (Egypt), Rouben Galichian and others.
Press Release for April 23 Press Conference

At 12:00 on April 23, 2012, the press conference of the directorate of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute will take place at Komitas hall of the institute. The main results and directions of AGMI’s activity during last year will be presented at the press conference. Geoffrey Robertson, whose report, entitled “Was there an Armenian Genocide?” and dedicated to the historical facts and political speculations referring to the Armenian Genocide, was published in 2010, will be present at the press conference, together with Jussi Biørn, the grandchild of Norwegian missionary Bodil Catharine Biørn, who will report on Bodil Biørn’s recently discovered handwritten memoirs describing the 1915 Mush massacres.
The main achievements of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute from 2006 to 2011 and overall strategy of the events which will be organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will be presented during the press conference.

Smyrna was one of the main business and cultural centers of Asia Minor. The Armenians had settled there since ancient times and were living in Getezerk, Karap, Haynots Armenian districts.
The books and periodicals published in the publishing houses of Smyrna had a significant role in the cultural, public and political life of the Armenians. In Smyrna Mesropian School founded in 1799, Hripsimyan Girl’s School, and a number of private schools were working. There were four Armenian churches (the famous one was St. Stephanos church), a hospital and a theatre in Smyrna. The Armenian merchants of Smyrna had merchant's houses in Europe, Russia, India and Egypt.
Due to its multi-cultural and developed mode of life Smyrna was called "Little Paris of the East".
Approximately 30 000 Armenians were living in Smyrna before 1922.
The Visit of Germany’s Minister of State to the Armenian Genocide Museum

German Minister of State Cornelia Pieper, who is in Armenia at the invitation of the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the German delegation headed by Minister Cornelia Pieper put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Minister of State Cornelia Pieper, accompanied by Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan, took a guided tour of the museum. Afterwards Cornelia Pieper left a note in the Commemoration Book noting that she is too impressed by the museum exhibition and remembers Armenian victims in1915-1916 with deep sympathy.
Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergey Martynov Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergey Martynov, who is in Armenia at the invitation of the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Belarusian delegation headed by Minister Sergey Martynov put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergey Martynov also watered the fir which he had planted in the Alley of Memory during one of his previous visits.
Israeli Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Orit Noked Visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Israel Orit Noked visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Israeli delegation headed by Orit Noked put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Minister of Agriculture Orit Noked, accompanied by Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan, Minister of Agriculture of RA Sergo Karapetyan, took a guided tour of the museum. Afterwards Orit Noked left a note in the Commemoration Book: "As a woman, as a Jewish and as a human being, I am shocked at what I see in the photos, I am shocked at the murders of innocent Armenian families".
Remembering Clara Barton: A Humanitarian and Friend to Armenians
On the occasion of the 100th death anniversary

In 1896 a 74-year old American woman arrived in Istanbul, then Constantinople, with a mission to relieve the plight of suffering Armenians. A hundred years ago today the world lost Clara Barton, this remarkable woman, whose relief effort saved at least 50,000 lives. You might wonder how this visionary leader, known by nearly every American school child as the “Angel of the Battlefield,” came to be in Constantinople.
In 1861, Clara Barton worked as a recording clerk at the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C. At the onset of the American Civil War, wounded soldiers from her home state of Massachusetts began arriving in the nation’s capital; she took it upon herself to care for them. Barton drew on experience she had acquired years earlier when she nursed her brother through a long illness. By 1862 she was on the raging battlefields of America’s bloodiest war serving its victims. When the war ended in 1865, Barton recognized a need for families to learn the fate of missing loved ones so she led efforts to identify tens of thousands of the fallen.
A few years later, Clara Barton traveled to Europe where she joined the nascent International Red Cross movement. She continued serving victims of war and calamity and founded the American Red Cross in 1881. As head of the American Red Cross, Barton directed relief missions in the United States and abroad for twenty-three years, becoming America’s top authority on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. This was at a time when American women did not even have the right to vote.

In order to represent the academic outcome of the Armenian Genocide museum-institute for a wider audience, as well as to publish the articles of the Armenian and international scholars on the subject of the Armenian Genocide, AGMI announce the publication of the English language “International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies.” It is planned to publish two issues annually for the initial period of time. With scholarly articles the journal will publish also book reviews. Well known Genocide scholars are included in the editorial board of the journal.
For more details on terms and condition click here:
"The Armenian Genocide in Literature" by Rubina Peroomian

Today Rubina Peroomian, a research fellow at the University of California, presented her English-language book, entitled "The Armenian Genocide in Literature. Perceptions of Those Who Lived Through the Years of Calamity," during a press conference held in "Noyan Tapan" press hall. The director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute, Hayk Demoyan was also present at the press conference.
During her speech, Rubina Pirumian noted that the book is another contribution to the struggle for the condemnation of the genocide. The subject of the book is the reflection of the Genocide theme in fiction. The epilogue of the work says: "The book depicts the psychological condition of the Armenians, who passed through the hell made by the Turks, with the wounds caused by the horrible scenes they witnessed and the unspeakable torture they survived, as an irreparable imprint on their and their generations’ souls".
This monograph by Rubina Peroomian is the second book that has been published with the support of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute. In 2008 she published her book titled "And Those Who Continued Living in Turkey after 1915".
In his speech, the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute, Hayk Demoyan stressed the importance of the collaboration of the scholars of the Republic of Armenia and Diaspora in the preparation and publication of works.
Lithuania's Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Ažubalis Visited Tzitzernakaberd Memorial Complex

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Audronius Ažubalis, within the framework of his official visit to Yerevan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Lithuanian delegation headed by Audronius Ažubalis put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithunia Audronius Ažubalis and his accompanying delegation visited Armenian Genocide Museum and took a tour of the museum. Deputy Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Suren Manukyan presented the history of the Armenian Genocide to the guests. Afterwards Audronius Ažubalis left following note in the Commemoration Book: “Only keeping such memory we can create a world where repetition of such tragedy would not be impossible neither to Armenian nor to any other people”.
It should be noted that on December15, 2005, the Seym of Lithuania passed a resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Erkki Tuomioja put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Erkki Tuomioja visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex within the framework of his official visit to Armenia. Minister of Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Finnish delegation led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Erkki Tuomioja put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Deputy Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Suren Manukyan was accompanying the Finnish delegation. The members of the Finnish delegation also had a tour of the Memorial Alley, where Erkki Tuomioja planted a fir.
The Visit of the MFA of the Republic of Cyprus Dr Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis to Armenian Genocide Museum

Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Cyprus Dr Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, who is in Armenia at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Cyprus delegation headed by Dr Erato Kozakou put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Foreign Affairs Minister of Cyprus Dr Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis and her accompanying delegation visited Armenian Genocide Museum and took a tour of the museum after which Dr Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The members of the Cyprus delegation also had a tour of the Memorial Alley, where Dr Erato planted a fir.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov Paid Tribute to the Memory of the Armenian Genocide Victims

Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov, who is in Yerevan on an official visit, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. Bulgarian Prime Minister put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Bulgarian delegation headed by Boyko Borisov put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Prime Minister of Bulgaria and his accompanying delegation visited Armenian Genocide Museum and took a tour of the museum after which Boyko Borisov left a note in the Commemoration Book.
The members of the Bulgarian delegation had a tour of the Memorial Alley, where Boyko Borisov planted a fir.
The Visit of RF Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

Foreign Affairs Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, who is in Armenia at the invitation of Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Armenia Edward Nalbandyan, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and put a wreath at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. The members of the Russian delegation headed by Sergey Lavrov put flowers at the Eternal Fire and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
Sergey Lavrov also had a tour of the Memorial Alley and watered the fir which has been planted within one of his previous visits.
The director of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute Hayk Demoyan and RA Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandyan were accompanying the Russian delegation.
Foreign Minister of Germany Guido Westerwelle visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

The delegation of the German Foreign ministry headed by the Foreign minister of Germany Guido Westerwelle, as apart of his official visit to the Republic of Armenia, visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. German foreign minister put a wreath and flowers at the memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims and honored the memory of the innocent victims with a minute of silence.
The Start of the Events Dedicated to 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Beirut

On February 21, on the initiative of the Central Body of Lebanon of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide a special lecture was given at the “Yerjo Samuelian - Yeraguyn” hall of the National Primacy by the secretary of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Hayk Demoyan. The primate of the Lebanese Diocese of the Armenian Church Archbishop Gegham Khacheryan, Mayor of Purj Hamut Andranik Msrlyan, Armenian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Lebanon Ashot Kocharyan and also representatives of the national bodies and parties were present at the lecture. The beginning of the event was given by the head of the Central Body of Lebanon of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Seda Khtshyan.
The director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan presented the activity of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute, and also focused on the preparatory works of the events of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
It should be noted that the temporary exhibition “The Armenian Genocide and Scandinavian Response” was presented in Beirut, which has been prepared by the efforts of the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute.
The director of the AGMI, Hayk Demoyan, gave a lecture to the Armenian students living in Lebanon

On February 22 the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, Hayk Demoyan, delivered a lecture at the “Yerjo Samuelian - Yeraguyn” hall of the National Primacy of Beirut to the Armenian students.
During the lecture Hayk Demoyan spoke about the preparatory works of the events of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and presented also the model of the new building of the museum.
‘Keeping vivid the memory of the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide is our national duty. Every year thousands of Armenians visit the Tsitsernakaberd memorial complex to honor the memory of the innocent victims of the Genocide. We do not have the right to forget our lost homeland. The 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015 is not the end of our struggle but a new stage in it,’ Hayk Demoyan said.
‘You and your fellows in Armenia, Artsakh, France and elsewhere should continue our struggle,’ emphasized Hayk Demoyan.
The organizers and participants of the event praised Hayk Demoyan’s lecture and especially his willingness to encourage the youth.
French Senate passes Genocide denial criminalization bill

The Upper House of the French Parliament finally passed the bill outlawing the denial of the Armenian Genocide.
The Senate approved the draft with a vote of 127 in favor and 86 against. The new legal act criminalizes the denial of all the genocides recognized by the French Republic.
The Lower House of France’s Parliament, the National Assembly, had passed the bill with a vast majority of votes in late December. The President of France will ratify the law in 15 days after receiving the finally adopted law from the government. He can ask the Parliament to review the full law or certain articles. The review cannot be rejected.
The bill will impose a one-year prison term and a fine of up to €45,000 for anyone publicly denying the fact of the Armenian Genocide.
Last December the French Parliament adopted the bill penalizing denial of genocides, including the Armenian Genocide. The law was introduced by MP Valérie Boyer.
France recognized and condemned the Armenian Genocide as early as 2001.

The landmark decision made by the Lower House of the French Parliament on penalization of the Armenian Genocide denial provoked an impressive and harsh reaction from the Turkish political circles illustrated with aggressive connote-tions in their rhetoric. Indeed, the French law with all chan-ces to be affirmed by Senate sounds like an anathema for Turkey, a country which desires to ascribe itself a new role and activities as a regional power with ambitious projects.
Once again the Turkish leadership faced enormous humiliation and reacted very nervously realizing that the French bill may create a domino effect for new recognitions of the Armenian Genocide and criminalization of the denial of the Turkish atrocities committed during the WWI. Ankara’s disappointment is doubled since the state-sponsored denial campaign and face-saving proposal for establishment of the commission of historians are in limbo.
Thus, as a substitute, Ankara has launched a new campaign of sympathy which is intent on putting forward such or similar proposals from the mouths of foreign leaders. Despite the fact that the very idea of the commission of historians and accusation that Armenia has territorial claims from Turkey is already proven to be a bluff, some leaders in order to please panicked Turkish officials willingly became victims of Turkish tricks.
Photos of Philanthrophy

Tens of thousands of Armenian children fell victim to the Genocide premeditated and perpetrated by the Turkish government. Those who could survive became orphans devoid of parental care; some of them were deprived of the Armenian environment and lost their identity. The Turkish government established special orphanages with the intent to Turkify and Islamize them.
After the Genocide numerous Armenian and international organizations as well as individual relief workers tried to rescue the Armenian survivors. A humanitarian mission unprecedented in the world history aimed at rescuing and ransoming thousands of Armenian women and children who had forcibly been Turkified and Islamized. The American “Near East Relief” organization founded in 1915, was one of the pioneers in this mission.
The seventeen photos, presented below, were revealed on the initiative of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in a family archives living in Yerevan. These photos present the orphan-care activity of the Near East Relief in Alexandrapol (now Gyumri, Armenia), Palestine and Lebanon.
Indeed, these photos have their unique place in the chronicle of the world humanitarian history.